Jill Baroff
Discussing Tide Drawings and the work entitled 'Elbe' with gallery co-director Niklas von Bartha
Jill Baroff's (USA b.1954) Tide drawings interpret data recorded for forecasting tides. Collected at various geographic locations and at different times, these works plot shifts either as linear, grid or circular arrangements. Often depicting moments when phenomena such as large storm surges dramatically alter otherwise repetitive patterns. In this instance, the work's tidal data was recorded at the tidal river Elbe, specifically at Hamburg harbour. Rendering data collected before the arrival of a highly unusual cyclonic storm. Drawn by hand on Japanese gampi paper, the artist mounts the tissue paper-thin drawing onto large sheets of cotton-based paper. During the mounting process, the drawing is suspended in a water bath before being lifted out onto the support, affording the artist a brief moment to allow the drawing to tear open at its outer edge, implying the destruction caused by the approaching storm surge.
Similar works by Jill Baroff form part of the collection of the Hamburger Kunsthalle and Folkwang Museum Essen.

Jill Baroff
Elbe, 2014
Pigmented ink on Japanese gampi mounted on rag,
115 x 115 cm
Jill Baroff
Elbe, 2014
Pigmented ink on Japanese gampi mounted on rag,
115 x 115 cm

Jill Baroff
Installation: Lichtwark Revisited, Hamburger Kunsthalle
Pigmented ink on Japanese gampi mounted on rag,
Each 115 x 115 cm
Tobias Burg: Neue Welten. Die Entdeckung der Sammlung #6
Featuring works by Jill Baroff